Zhenlun cotton spinning won the..


At the just-concluded National Textile Industry Precision Poverty Alleviation Promotion Conference, the China National Textile and Apparel Council awarded 31 enterprises the title of “Advanced Unit for Poverty Alleviation in the Textile Industry 2017-2018”. Their advanced experience and practices will be promoted in the textile industry. Suzhou Zhenlun Cotton Textile Co., Ltd. in our district is among them.

This selection aims to explore successful cases that can be used for poverty alleviation in the textile industry and establish a model. On the basis of extensive collection of advanced units and advanced experience in the textile industry, the China Textile Industry Federation has selected 31 advanced units through the recommendation of the members of the China National Textile and Apparel Council and the textile and garment industry associations of various provinces and cities. Under the guidance of local governments and local industry associations, the above-mentioned enterprises have absorbed poverty from the employment of a large number of poor people through industrial poverty alleviation, effectively promoted the healthy and rapid development of local economic and social undertakings, and reflected the high social responsibility awareness of textile enterprises. It is the representative of the poverty alleviation work in the textile industry.

In 2015, Zhenlun responded to the national “One Belt, One Road” and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region government “revitalizing the textile industry and promoting the employment of millions of people”, and joined forces with the Zhongtai Group to invest 2.2 billion in the Korla National Economic and Technological Development Zone in Xinjiang. Yuan, the first phase of the construction of the Xinjiang Fuli Zhenlun 2 million spinning project. The project employs all based on local recruitment. Based on the principle of “employing one person for employment and getting rid of poverty for one family”, the company overcomes obstacles such as different language and living habits, and receives a large number of minority employees in poverty-stricken areas to contribute to social stability and economic development.

The project uses state-of-the-art equipment and processes with internationally advanced standards. The project started construction in May 2015. At present, 1.2 million spindles of the first phase of the project have all been put into production, achieving a sales income of 3 billion yuan. The project employs 1,500 people, including 60% of ethnic minority employees. It has received 276 people from the South China's surplus labor force, which has been assisted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Autonomous Region and the two functional departments of the Economic and Information Committee, 104 of them are in the local registration of the household registration. Poor households. While helping the staff to directly lift poverty, the project indirectly drives at least 1,000 minority compatriots out of poverty.

The Xinjiang Fuli Zhenlun Project can provide jobs for ethnic minority employees in poverty-stricken areas in southern Xinjiang for a long time, and the income of employees will also increase steadily with the development of enterprises.